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Student Services

Ashley Lawson
(530)367-3782 ext. 104
SELPA Program Specialist
Lisa Young

Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Parent Representative
Katie Espinola

Sarah Millis, MA, NCSP
Student Service Coordinator
School Psychologist

504/SST Coordinator
Ashley Lawson
(530)367-3782 ext. 104
What is Special Education?

What is Special Education?

Special Education is specialized instruction provided for children from birth to age 22 who qualify according to the laws and regulations outlined by the state and federal government. A student may qualify for special education services as an individual with special needs in one of the thirteen areas identified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004).

These are the areas:
*Deaf/Hard of Hearing
*Visually Impaired
*Speech-Language Impaired
*Specific Learning Disability
*Multiple Disabilities
*Orthopedic Impairment
*Other Health Impairment
*Intellectual Disability
*Established Medical Disability
*Emotionally Disturbed
*Traumatic Brain Injury
The Special Education Process:
If a student is demonstrating a pattern of serious difficulty in school and frequently exhibits learning problems, consideration of Special Education may be needed. This can occur in the following ways:

*Referral: A referral may be initiated by a parent/guardian, teacher, the student, or school administrator. A referral to begin the process should start with a Student Study Team (SST). To begin this process please contact Ashley Lawson, Principal (530)367-3782 ext. 104.

Student Study Team (SST): The Student Study Team (SST) is a general education process to review a student’s strengths and areas of concern. At this meeting, the parent/guardian, along with the school staff determines if alternative instructional strategies are needed. The SST may refer a child for Special Education assessment only after all resources of regular education have been considered and implemented as appropriate. Once an SST plan is developed the team will reconvene and review the plan and make any further necessary recommendations, which may include a referral for testing for special education.

Assessment: If an assessment for special education is needed, a plan is developed within 15 days of a written referral. Written parental consent is required for the assessment and the evaluation results will be shared with the parents/guardians at an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. State and Federal Law ensures that “all individuals with exceptional needs have available to them a free, appropriate public education and related serves to meet their unique needs.” When a child is being assessed for possible special education needs, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting shall be convened. Parents are an integral part of that team.

Individualized Education Program (IEP): An initial IEP team meeting will be held within 60 days of the district’s receipt of the parent/guardian signing an assessment plan. If the IEP team agrees that the student is eligible under one of the thirteen eligibility categories, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed by the IEP team with appropriate placement to meet agreed upon educational goals.

The IEP team consists of the parents, or guardians, a school administrator, a special education teacher, the student’s general education teacher, and other special education staff as determined by the team.

When a student with exceptional needs has been found eligible for Special Education, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. An IEP is a written document which includes instructional goals and objectives and accommodations and modification to the general education program based upon the student’s education needs as determined by the IEP team.

The parent/guardian will be asked to give written approval of the IEP at the meeting. Goals will be developed and reviewed yearly. No change in educational placement or program will occur without parent/guardian permission.

Communication between all parties involved will be ongoing and parents/guardians are encouraged to request informal conferences with teacher, to visit the classroom, email, or phone calls to learn about the student’s program and performance. Additionally, progress towards goals and objectives will be reported by the special education providers at each trimester and at the annual review IEP team meeting.

Review of Timeline:
1. Student Study Team (SST)
2. Determination that a student will be assessed to see if they qualify for special education services.
3. 15 day timeline to develop a plan
4. Assessment Plan developed
5. Parent returns signed assessment plan
6. 60 Day timeline to get assessments done/completed
7. Assessments completed
8. IEP held to see if student meets the eligibility criteria for special education services.
9. Speech/RSP/OT/PT/APE services to begin if eligible

Educational Services:
Resource Specialist Program (RSP): Specialized Academic Instruction is for students who need additional instruction and intervention to make progress in the general education curriculum. Students may receive instruction in the Resource room or in the general education classroom, depending upon student needs and the recommendation of the IEP team.

Special Day Class (SDC): Special Day Class provides intensive specialized instruction and services to students when the nature or severity of the disability precludes participation in the general education program for all or most of the school day.

Confidentiality of Records: All individualized education program records are maintained in accordance with state and federal pupil confidentiality laws.

Copies of records will be sent to other agencies or persons outside of the district with written request and permission of the parent/guardian or by court order. Requests can be faxed to the Foresthill Union School District at (530)367-4526.

Important Links:
Parents’ Role
Parent Rights and Procedural Safeguards
Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
Placer County Office of Education
Placer County SELPA
SELPA Parent Support
504 Plans
Glossary of Special Education Abbreviations/definitions
CAC Parent Meeting Schedule