CA Healthy Kids Survey
Parent Preview of the 2024-2025 California Healthy Kids Survey Surveys:
Parent Preview of the 2024-2025 California Healthy Kids Survey Surveys:![]()
Parent Preview of the 2024-2025 California Healthy Kids Survey Surveys:
The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. It is administered to students at grades five, seven, nine, and eleven. It enables schools and communities to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, school climate, protective factors, and school violence. The CHKS is part of a comprehensive data-driven decision-making process on improving school climate and student learning environment for overall school improvements.
California Education Code sections 51513 and 51938(c) specify that parent or guardian consent be granted before students are given questionnaires or surveys asking about personal beliefs or practices that include health behavior and risks. There are two kinds of parent or guardian consent: passive and active.
- Active Consent requires that a parent or legal guardian be notified in writing and gives written permission for the student to participate in the survey. Active consent is required of the fifth grade CHKS survey.
Foresthill Union School District California Healthy Kids Survey Consent Form (For 5th and 6th Grade)
- Passive Consent requires that a parent or legal guardian be notified in writing about the survey and is given the opportunity to review the survey. Parents need to notify the school if they do not want their child to participate in the survey. Passive consent is required for CHKS survey administered to students in grades seven through twelve.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the school office at (530) 367-3782.